
Monday, 20 January 2014

Swimming Guidance learn/teach skills Module 8 for Kicking part 1.... post 37

Kicking is an advanced skill. We now learn/teach to lift the feet off the ground, to propel ourselves forwards on the surface of the water. We will develop confidence, again learn to trust a new skill by re-using, re-applying all the wonderful skills we used during orientation, walking and hopping, bubble blowing, face in the water

In water the arms are more useful and stronger than the legs. Human nature will then preferably use the arms. For this reason through repeated practices we learn/teach the use of legs in swimming until there is no conscious thought to do so
The kicking action for backstroke requires that the body lie horizontally in the water, that the legs alternate vertically to give some forward propulsion and lift the body onto the surface of the water
As one leg rises upwards from under the water the water gently bends the knee, the relaxed inverted 'floppy foot' action (much like kicking a ball with a bare foot) lifts the water up causing a splash . The other leg is pulled down under the water to follow the pattern to again rise upwards. The continuous alternating movement of the legs begins at the hip
The under water visual shows that sitting is on the end of the knees for free movement up and down. The joints of the body are supported and guided with the hands which teach the feeling and the direction of the kicking movement. With the hands push/lift each leg firmly against the resistance of the water. Exaggerate the movement to stimulate big splashy kicks 
While moving the legs continuously say 'kick up and down and up and down' so that the instruction is heard and felt with the intention of this instruction being remembered and responded to for many future practices. The legs only are kicking up and down. Keep the body still
At each session either supported, guided kicking or unsupported continuous kicking practices for five to ten minutes is recommended to encourage the skill of kicking to become automatic the moment the feet lift off the ground
Learning/teaching kicking while sitting is seen and felt, therefore understood. Infants and young children feel comfortable and safe on the knees. Adults feel comfortable sitting on the step to learn to or practice kicking
We progress to sitting on the step where we say 'kick up and down and up and down' while kicking continuously for five to ten minutes. A group session is longer so motivate kicking for a longer time period. Stimulate competitive kicking with huge splashes

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