
Wednesday, 13 November 2013

Using proper languange .... post 11

Hearing, speaking using the correct language to teach or to learn swimming or any related skill is vital to being understood. When we all use the same correct language then we can learn from anyone and teach to everyone. The language is universal, properly associated with skills, their actions, their purpose, their part in a complete movement or the intention of that movement. What is a 'fishy'? When do we move on to talking about a 'fish'? Which of the two do we use when speaking to an older child or adult? In the context that adults are inclined to use the word 'fishy' it does not exist in the English language ....

That which we teach or learn is meant to be copied by association to its action. We mean to through repetition cause an interpretation which causes a reaction which eventually becomes automatic. So, when we hear the word 'kick' this instruction activates the up and down beat of the legs

Swimming, like every other sport or hobby or craft or activity has her own language which is specific to it and much of that language is associated with diversified water sports or activities which also have their own language

Correcting our language, understanding the true meaning of the words that we use is a life skill, is so interesting and fun. Learning, using the universal language used in swimming creates simple understanding. This life skill is a part of learning to 'think' and learning to 'listen'

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