motivate learning/teaching, to stimulate concentration requires that routines
in and around the swimming pool are calm and quiet
rules set boundaries for those teaching, learning, entry to and exit from our
swimming pool and area. They are realised from our varied experiences with
different people in different situations to be fair, keep safe and maintain
our commitment to the importance, the value and quality of safe education and
life skills we create the ideal environment to learn/teach in
rhythmic background music (Enya is ideal) creates a feeling of calm for the teacher,
pupil/s and all who are present in the swimming pool area which is well lit,
ventilated, brightly colourful, uncluttered, interesting and fun. This cheerful environment motivates the
feeling to want to be a part of teaching or learning to swim
already recommended water temperature at the minimum of 32°C throughout the
year in an indoor swimming pool which has steps for safe entry and exit,
orientation, a shallow and a deep end to learn/teach basic and advanced skills
should be clean and crystal clear at all times
walk area around the pool should be hygienic and tidy.Toilet access for anyone, with hygienic,
clean and tidy change rooms which are left at all times as they are found
equipment neatly placed, easily accessible to the Teacher and the pupil/s to
use, always returned to their place at the end of each swimming session by the
pupil. An orderly, neat, organised learning/teaching environment creates a
feeling of security, stimulates personal pride. These life skills learned are
of great value to encourage respect of equipment which, though not ours, is ours
to share
by the Teacher, diving toys, the from time to time necessary swimming aids used
for learning to swim of a nature for use which requires that they are
controlled rather than being controlling
Our ‘ego’ is
not a part of the learning/teaching relationship that we develop between
ourselves and our teacher. Changing from one to another can affect us. Use this
guide to choose a Swimming Teacher ....
OUR GOAL is a ’water safe’individual who chooses to enter a water
environment in which they are consciously aware that they are able to manage
themselves without fear of danger, being hurt, dominated or bullied, where they
can confidently participate as an individual or within a group
One who can swim by choice on top of and
with their face in the water, swim under
the water and on their back with confidence without assistance or any type of
floatable swimming aid. An individual who knows their limits and boundaries in
and around water
We learn to swim to be safe, develop
physically mentally emotionally and learn life skills ... have fun!
older children to adults, 30 minutes for an introduction, orientation to become
familiar and comfortable with their teacher, new environment, routine and
discipline. Thereafter integration into a group of three for 30 minutes is
tolerant, firm, fair, kind, patient, calm, intuitive, stimulating,
compassionate, generous with praise for achievement, a fun personality ... one
who smiles!
We want a
Teacher who is adventurous in approach to the learning of skills, teaches with
a positive attitude, motivated, motivating, consistent temperament
One who looks
as though teaching is a pleasure, has a sense of humour, radiates affection and
care, uses an incentive for achievement, anticipates changes in development,
has a good relationship with children and parents, identifies illness,
tiredness, hangovers from medication or lack of sleep (teething etc), compassionate ....
learn these skills and life skills requires knowledge, care, patience,
repetition, consistency, routine, discipline, kindness and fairness from a
the stages of development of babies and small children will decide how, when
and what we teach them. Their age and stages mentioned here is a guide we can
use from a pattern which was observed during many years of teaching.
‘smartest’ advice to share is that the human being is born ‘smart’. Either
through our adult ignorance, lack of care, passion, motivation, our use of all
the good advice shared in previous ‘blog posts’ their laziness in their daily lives, we
will allow them to become ‘not smart’.
and good manners taught and shared play a huge role in stimulating each
individual person. It is the ‘tone’ of ‘please’ and ‘thank you’ that encourages
positive responses from anyone
a guideline we can see that children from the age of seven, up to and including
adults can understand simple instructions, mentally process them to then
physically attempt to practice the skills we are teaching
with a baby or any small child requires that we give an instruction of a skill
which we will physically demonstrate, verbally repeat, actively stimulate and assist
their movement so that the specific words we use which will be repeated over
and over, cause the feeling and sensations, the word association to fit each
skill and action. We will have many singular skills with an instruction which become
progressive. All is repeated and practiced continuously at each teaching
session which sessions should be regular, consistent
are born without conscious fear. Conscious fear develops during the lovely ‘terrific
twos’ stage of life. The power of reasoning and choice is developed from all that
we are taught and exposed to included in the natural process of
mental/physical/emotional development which completes by the age of 4 years old
sound, taste, touch, senses and sensations, motivation, kindness and all the
good stuff that we have to share with ‘little people’ whether they understand
it or not will accelerate their development to ensure self-confidence and self
motivate through verbal repetition and physical movement so that they attempt
to or continue the physical action being taught. Praise for even for the
slightest attempt is motivating. The reward of a ‘sucker/lollipop’ at the end
of each lesson is a physical show of personal achievement through personal
older child, teenager, adult might also need to be physically assisted when
learning new skills, though will continue independently. Explain the purpose of
the action for swimming and/or its purpose of safety in water
one instruction at a time using simple language using words which associate with
each skill and action. Bring attention and awareness to the reaction that is
caused in the water. We know how to swim. Our actions and movements are second
nature to us. Never assume that an instruction is understood
teaching swimming a kind, firm, fair personality with a fun sense of
humour builds trust and is such a pleasure ....
Learning to feel comfortable with water either splashing the
face or putting the face into water is the most challenging to teach. Best is not
to teach the obvious. Fun interaction, like throwing the ball so that it falls
short of being caught causing water to splash onto the face and head causes
attention on the ball. When the ball
is thrown back we do not flinch when water splashes onto the face. Visually, a
positive action
We teach, explain and demonstrate each skill precisely. As we
speak an instruction we act it out exactly
as we want it copied. Over exaggerate
each action so that it is clearly heard and demonstrated to be copied
Counting up to three is a commonly used method which is
understood that we are about to carry out an action. We have given an instruction
so get ready so that on the count of three we shall work together to carry out
this action
Counting is positive, rhythmic, trusting. Each and every time count
slowly with a slight break in between ... and one, and two, and three. When the counting
up to three begins, without hesitation, follow through with the action.This is another technique to build confidence
and trust when teaching or learning
The repeated practice of slowly, rhythmically counting up to
three before blowing soapy bubbles or a ping pong ball will quickly become a
functional habit. The longer we blow our breath out the longer and deeper we
can breathe in
Achievable goals of the progressions using the same breathing in
technique to blow bubbles into the cupped hands, into a plastic mug are
motivation to combine washing the face with water from the cupped hands and
blowing at the same time
A further progression is to pour water over the head so that the
water runs over the face and head at the same time blowing out so that the
water is not sniffed in through the nose or breathed in through the mouth
Our goal is to continue
blowing until there is no more water on the face to sniff or breathe in. We
will cough when water is sniffed in through the nose or breathed in through the
mouth. Stimulate coughing to clear the throat to show this to be a fun game
Water contained in small quantities is easier to learn/teach
blowing skills. For this reason each tiny challenge is a short term achievable
goal which stimulates adventure to more challenging skills
Learning/teaching bubble blowing techniques is used throughout
the process of learning to swim as a basic and progressive skill, for
co-ordination and for swimming strokes. Children are able to learn these skills
from as young as 1 year old. We speak to and instruct a baby in the same way
that we speak to and instruct any other person. Children up to adults, Special Needs, Disabled, water sports competitors can use all the skills mentioned in posts 4, 5, 7, 11, 13, 15, 17, 18, 19, 23
Learning to consciously take breaths in, blow breaths out, hold
breaths is vital for confidence and safety in water. Without these skills for
swimming, participation in diversified water activities and sports is limited.
We will always ‘fear’ rather than enjoy being under water ....
learn/teach new skills in the safest, shallowest part of water or a swimming
pool. Each new skill brings fears, insecurities. Orientation is an on going
experience with each new adjustment to a new and different state of being. We encourage,
stimulate, motivate and praise the attempts and achievements of new skills
know each and every part of our newly discovered learning and play area we must
physically be in it, feel it, become familiar with it, know through feel and
sight what and where shallow and deep is. The floating of our body in various
water depths teaches us how to manage ourselves. We develop focus,
concentration, senses of caution and achievement
feet feel where to and how to stand firmly. We learn to use our hands to touch
and hold onto the immovable steps or side of a swimming pool. We never presume
that everyone will hold onto the side. Through our own ability we realise our
own personal achievement
re-visit the ‘hand holding technique’ which is used to support by merely using
hands so that the hands and wrists, arms and shoulders learn to use the joints
(levers) of the body. Both of us can pull or push away from or towards each
other, whichever is necessary for a specific skill
is easier to walk in shallow water, progress to deeper water. Walking in water
teaches us to push against the resistance that we feel as we walk against it. We
learn to use our bodies, strengthen muscles and learn balance and how to recover
from over-balancing
our feet we learn to focus on skills, feel the water on the body. ‘Thinking’,
we learn to understand our newly learned skills. We are motivated to be
adventurous to try challenging progressions
‘safe area’ where we can manage ourselves independent of physical support gives
us the assurance of feeling safe in water ....
Our legs are relaxed and straight out behind us, our body floats
in the water. When we lose our balance while pulling forwards or pushing
backwards our reflex is to spread our legs to recover balance. Regular practice
of the ‘crocodile walk’ teaches us to use our hips and all the muscles attached
to the hips and abdomen to maintain balance. We learn how to feel the core muscles
of the body, their action and reaction. We develop the correct body position
required for the various swimming strokes and for forward or back floating
In a larger area, move to the right and back again, then to the
left and back again. This challenge teaches us to ‘think’ and ‘feel’ our
direction of moving to the left and then to the right without looking to the
left or to the right.
Set a challenge to do the ‘crocodile walk’ in all directions
with the eyes closed ....
If we tried to be technical, tried to explain all that is
learned from this skill we’ll create confusion, not be understood, so we just
do not teach the obvious. We keep our teaching methods simple, fun, yet
functional. We encourage and motivate
The ‘crocodile walk’ stimulates using the palms and fingers of
the hands, the arms, the shoulders adjusting balance of the body during the
forward and backward movement. Thought, senses
and sensations are being developed. We set a short term goal which has a short
term achievement
Learning and orientation in this safe area builds trust, self
confidence and familiarity in water. The unexplained skills and the
progressions which follow when we combine other learned skills like blowing
bubbles while ‘walking like a crocodile’ will be easy when the basic skill is
proficient ....
The success of a good Teacher
is having the observational skills to sense, to know, to understand
the fears, insecurities, abilities of their pupil/s. To show their
pupil/s how clever they already are in a patient, kind way. A Teacher
needs to be many steps ahead, guiding, nurturing, introducing skills and
progressions of skills at the moment that will have a long term
positive influence on learning
'A true teacher is not one with most knowledge, rather it is one who causes most others to have knowledge'
Teaching swimming
is personal, individual to each pupil. A true Teacher has the
skill to assess an individual or group merely by each one's
reaction to a simple instruction. Using pupils as motivators for each other has
them feeling that they are a part of a group
Teaching is about sharing
knowledge where it is needed. Our pupils are wonderful Teachers from whom
we too learn a great deal when we use the known skills of listening. When
we listen to them through our observational skills we learn how
to teach them, what to teach them and when to teach them the necessary
skills and the progressions to follow which take them to a great level of
Pupils depend on their
Teachers in the many ways of trust, affection, support, praise, fun. The
greatest reward to a Teacher is when a pupil becomes independent of
them, walks on to the next stage or Teacher in their journey of learning
During the early stages of
teaching I would feel sad when a pupil, each one of them a special person,
moved on. My brave face showed a smile though my heart was breaking.
Behind the smile, hidden tears. My policy was no goodbyes. And then one fine
day a precious little soul walked back into the swimming pool area, asked if he
could hug and kiss me, said 'thank you Arlene for being so special' with the
proudest smile on his face.
My lesson came from a very
young boy child who showed me my worth as his Teacher and friend. I realised
that I can share all my knowledge and experience, that no one can take away my
personality and passion
It is 'rather it is one who
causes most others to have knowledge' that is the most valuable gift a Teacher
has to share
learn to visualise, create mental pictures, images of individual skills. As
each skill becomes familiar to us we become more competent by repeatedly
practising each of them. We progress to combine individual skills into phases which
are part of a complete cycle of an action This
developed from a clearly explained, properly demonstrated instruction of a
skill/s. We practice to become aware of the sensations, action and re-action of
our movement in water. Developing the ‘feel’
in and of water is such a personal achievement. We cannot watch ourselves move
or swim. For this reason all the little ‘lessons’ we have learned in previous
blog posts which stimulate our senses we need to use to learn to swim Developing
the ability to visualise the skills of our learning stages requires that we
develop mental and physical sensations which we either consciously or
unconsciously become aware of as we move and practice our newly learned and already
familiar swimming achievement Through
visualisation we become so in tune with the rhythm of movement that the
sensations we feel on different parts of our body, arms, legs, face, our lungs,
that burst of pride in our hearts encourages us to want to learn more and
practice harder, without fear We
will never master this skill to perfection though we will want to keep on
trying to. An adult or competitive sports person can learn this skill
consciously creating their own method while smaller children develop this skill
through a simple learning process and conscientious repetition ....
Safest for non-swimmers of all ages, an adult
carrying a baby, small children, beginner pupils, always enter and leave at the
steps where we can manage our entry and exit. We can stand on the steps or in
the shallow water. This is where we start our orientation in a swimming pool,
realise our ability within safe boundaries, learn/teach the basic skills to
submerge in water, participate with all ages and where we can just have fun in
water! The hand holding technique is comfortably supportive
When a child asks if they may swim we consciously become aware
that they are going into water. This creates awareness of our responsibility to
keep them safe. We learn to talk to and listen to each other. To ask in a
respectful way … ‘please may I climb into the pool?’ In my years of teaching
swimming this is the exact practice with each and every pupil. It only takes a
few seconds of time. The communication brings both teacher and pupil into
present time, mentally preparing to spend the duration of the lesson time
Entry at the steps of a swimming pool is where everyone can
stand, sit, ly down, be within reach of safety. The steps is where orientation
in water and most skills are learned, practiced, used. They become our ‘safe
haven’ when in the water. This too is where we can play and experiment with
different abilities.
We need to ‘actually feel’ to experience the sitting, the
climbing in by either sitting or lying on the tummy, supporting ourselves.
These actions make us aware of our own ability, the short term goal with the
short achievement. These little actions are part of the strength and physical
development we gain through independent movement. We learn to ‘think’ for
In this module you will notice the constant eye contact which
ensures an instruction is given to and heard. This is where we all start learning
to listen
The Hand Holding Technique is very smart. Although it is
specific it is adjustable. We only need to adjust it slightly when we turn a
person onto the back. When turning back again the technique automatically
reverts back to the original position. The purpose of this technique is to
stimulate use of the hands, elbows, shoulders in such a way that the person
learns to manage each of their movements whilst being attached merely by the
hand. The connection is strong enough, supportive enough to instil
confidence to encourage independence to eventually swim freely. At no time ever
is there strain on any limb or the body. Trust is built between the teacher and
the person. Constant, repetitive use of this technique subconsciously teaches a
person to reach for a hand for support rather than a body ....